Grime and stains can stick to untreated carpet and speedily become embedded in the fibers. Using the Scotchgard Carpet Protection Sunshine Coast gives additional time to clean up spills, while minimizing wicking and the spreading of marks. The carpet protection spray creates a sole invisible shield around carpet fibers, keeping dirt from sticking to fibers. The same technology that keeps foods from sticking to pots and pans prevents grime and filth from sticking to the carpet. defenseless carpet does not keep away spills as well as protected carpet. With the capability to remove spots and spills more efficiently, you can avoid permanent staining. transfer area soil is very damaging and cuts carpet yarn like a knife, allowing the soil to with no trouble bond to an unprotected carpet. The easier a spot is to remove, the less cleaner is required to remove it; requiring less agitation and less time. Many spots can be removed simply with just water. Having carpet protestant applied to your carpet will make sure more soil is removed the next expert cleaning. Using a mixture of truck mounted and portable units, we can clean every inch of your carpeted floors. Your carpet tells a story about your house life–the muddy feet, the spilled cola, the dog that could not wait. Regular vacuuming and stain-removal products can assist, but they simply cannot match the cleaning power of professional carpet cleaning. Scotchgard Carpet Protection Sunshine Coast can assist remove the evidence of everyday living, as well as the grime, allergens and odors buried deep in the carpet