Temporary fencing is truly a multi-purpose tool, used for all sorts of projects and events from construction to venue barriers. Most companies that sell temporary fencing offer you the choice to rent or buy the equipment. So when it comes down to the details, should you rent or buy?

Buy or hire

Source: Flickr.com

1. Extended Use

  • Rent: If your project goes past it’s intended finishing date, you will have to extend the hire of the temporary fencing meaning more paperwork, time, energy and cost. This could be seen as a motivator to get the job done, or as an added, unwanted step.
  • Buy: When you own, there is no limit to when your project needs to be done. This option gives you more flexibility.

2. Control

  • Rent: When you hire temporary fencing equipment from a company, you must rely on that specific business for on time delivery, reliable installation and thorough removal. With this option there isn’t as much work for you as an individual, besides organising the process.
  • Buy: When the temporary fencing material is all yours, you will have full control and responsibility over the set up and take down process.

3. Quality

  • Rent: Rental fencing is used; you don’t know how many people have borrowed it before.
  • Buy: New temporary fencing is sold straight from manufacturing; therefore you can be assured the quality is top notch. However, if it’s damaged during use, you’re stuck with it.

4. Availability

  • Rent: If you’re embarking on a big project and you’d like to rent, the amount of fencing you need may not be in stock, or it could take extra time for the company to gather and deliver.
  • Buy: You know that obtaining the material isn’t an issue, as you already own it.

5. Value

  • Rent: When you hire, you’ll pay a smaller fee upfront. If the temporary fencing market changes, the price could reflect that and fluctuate so there won’t always be a locked in price. Sometimes unforeseen costs arise such as overage charges or damage fees.
  • Buy: If you choose to buy, you will only pay once. The initial fee will be higher than renting, and it’s more of an investment for further projects.

So it really comes down to each individual. Take into account whether you’ll need the temporary fencing for further, extended use. Also ask yourself if you prefer control of the installation and removal process; if you aren’t a hands-on person, it could be a challenge. As far as quality goes, decide if you need pristine equipment or if sturdy and second hand will suffice (rented equipment still gets inspected for quality). Ask yourself how much you’re willing to pay, and whether you see the temporary fencing as simply a one-off safety precaution or an investment for future work.


Author Bio: If you’re interested in discussing options to rent or buy temporary fencing, contact TTFS today on 1300 119 998.